
The Jerusalem Insights

The Jerusalem Insight presents the views of scholars, public servants, journalists, and others thinking about Jerusalem. Each invited article, ranging in size from 500 to 1,200 words, coheres with the vision and mission of the Jerusalem Peace Institute (JPI) and can relate to any aspect of the city and the life of its inhabitants. All articles are new or modified from earlier versions and have not been published elsewhere in their current content. Authors of published articles are solely responsible for views and facts expressed, not the Jerusalem Insight or JPI and its boards and staff.

The Jerusalem Insight presents the views of scholars, public servants, journalists, and others thinking about Jerusalem. Each invited article, ranging in size from 500 to 1,200 words, coheres with the vision and mission of the Jerusalem Peace Institute (JPI) and can relate to any aspect of the city and the life of its inhabitants. All articles are new or modified from earlier versions and have not been published elsewhere in their current content. Authors of published articles are solely responsible for views and facts expressed, not the Jerusalem Insight or JPI and its boards and staff.